Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The 6 Basic Principles of Landscape Design

Understanding the basic principles of good landscape design will help insure a visually appealing and functional landscape for the client, as well as enhancing property value and reducing maintenance costs. These principles are not necessarily based on a particular individuals understanding of creative or artistic principals, but rather stem from the inherent visual sense possessed by most people, whether they regard themselves as creative or not. By the way, I do not necessarily consider myself to be all that "creative" either and that's why I rely on understanding these basic principles myself.

1. Balance
Simply put, balance is the state of seeing as well as being seen. There are 3 types of balance:
symmetric, asymmetric and proximal/distal. Symmetric balance is the balance of formal gardens where one side is the mirror image of the other. Asymmetric balance can generally be more visually appealing in that there are two sides to observe and expose. Regard for exact duplication of sides is minimized. Proximal/distal balance is asymmetric but carries it further by dealing with depth in the field of vision. It is not uncommon to combine the basic types of balance, but it should be done with great forethought.

2. Focalization of Interest
Anything that is designed well has a focal point.
Focalization of interest is the principles of the design that selects and positions visually strong items into the landscape composition. Focal points can be created using plants, hardscape items such as fountains or swimming pools, architectural elements of the home, the color, movement, texture of plantings or a combination of all of these features. Generally speaking, most homeowners have the tendency to overuse focal points, which usually creates complexity and visual confusion within the landscape composition. A general rule of thumb to consider with focal points is that less generally equals more.

3. Simplicity
Simplicity seeks to make the viewer of the landscape feel comfortable within the landscape. Simplicity is not always the opposite of complexity and should not imply simplistic, boring or convey a lack of imagination. Rather, simplicity avoids the use of too many plants and plant species, too many textures, too many shapes, too many focal points, and/or too many curves or angles within a specific area or within an overall landscape.

4. Rhythm and Line
The principles of
rhythm and line may be regarded separately or collectively. Rhythm is established when any element repeats enough times within a standard interval and usually deals with a measured space. Line is created where different materials meet, such as turf meeting pavement or a mulched planting bed. Curved lines generally add more interest to the landscape in that they are longer, thus “stretching” the eye and enhancing the view of the landscape. This is not to say straight lines should be avoided. In fact straight lines, when used properly, can also be used to add a tremendous amount of visual interest in the landscape.

5. Proportion
Proportion is concerned with the size relationships between all of the features and elements of the landscape. That includes both vertical and horizontal relationships as well as spatial (space) relationships. The concern for proper proportion should extend to building size, lot size, plant size, areas dealing with mass and void, as of course the human users of the landscape.

6. Unity
As a principle of design,
unity is the easiest to measure, as long as the previous five design elements have been applied properly and comprehensively. Each component of the landscape, whether it is plant material, color and texture, planting bed shape, the choice and use of paving materials, color selection, lighting plan or any other component of the landscape within a project, is obligated to be a part of the whole. Even the most novice among us can appreciate the overall uniformity of a well planned landscape design.

1 comment:

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